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Purpose of the Policy:

Adopting sustainable sex equality in corporate work culture and operational processes, primarily raising awareness in work and social lives of employees, creating awareness at next generations, becoming a role model in the industry with the slogan “I Stand for Equality, too”.

1. Respectful for human rights. Carries out activities necessary for formation of work areas at equal conditions.

2. Implements equality action plan, generates projects, makes collaborations and raises awareness at public opinion. Carries out measurement, monitoring and evaluation towards targets.

3. Uses as basis Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) which it is a corporate signatory, implements the same and supports equal opportunity and equal participation in workforce without discrimination of sex.

4. Makes sure no discrimination in recruitment, employment processes, promotion and dismissals (religion, language, race, sex), choice is made on the basis of requirements of job, competencies and capabilities of person.

5. Anti-violence at any field of life. Carries out activities in relation to raising awareness of employees on gender based violence at work, social life and family.

6. Safeguards privacy and confidentiality of any person who suffers from domestic violence, informs about centers of application, refers to non-governmental organisation in respective field.  

7. Performs training and awareness activities for creating awareness in relation to gender equality at next generations and in particular for empowering girls in life.  
8. Attentive that discriminatory and sexist contents are not used in internal and external communication language of the organisation. 

9. Encourages suppliers and organisations with whom it collaborates for performing activities in the field of gender equality.

Beyçelik Gestamp

Beyçelik Gestamp A.Ş., otomotiv yan sanayi metal sektöründe kalıp, teçhizat ve komponent tasarlayan, geliştiren ve üreten uluslararası bir şirkettir. Özellikle innovatif ürünler tasarlayarak daha güvenli ve daha hafif araç tasarımlarına destek olmakta ve buna bağlı olarak insan güvenliğinin arttırılması, enerji tüketimlerinin azaltılması ve çevrenin korunması ana ilkelerine hizmet etmektedir.
Işıktepe Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Kahverengi cad. No:13
Nilüfer / Bursa / Turkey
+90 224 270 06 00 Beyçelik Gestamp Logo
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